My best day this year already end... the party is over
I had met some old friend... Its feel so great
Some friend who already separate by time and distance and finding the fate to meet again
Nice to meet u girls..
Also met a friend that I never dare to wish could meet again.
While distance so far...
I had a dream before.. after meeting we'll close as before. I will have opportunity to share my story of life like before. Not only when we met face to face but after that when the connection is limited only by virtual world.
But maybe I wish too much......
Rather than it will hurt me a lot so I decide to think my party is over....
I wont ask anything again that might made me in pain. So just let it only become a sweet memory, could talk and laugh like before... We never know when we could meet again, month, a years, 2 years, 10 years or maybe never. Even I tried to send message to keep in touch.. but seem it will be hard to have close in touch words.. will be back to just hi and how r u... but I think its still ok if u could sent it once a week. But sure.. i dont hope to much...
I believe life is full of secrets. Sometimes we try to tell the truth about your feeling to friends, they touch with your words but cant do nothing. We must accept every thing that happen in our life rather than try to against them. So the first thing we must realize every time u got such a big gift of happiness...u wont have it for every time. It must be a turn to get your bitterness. because life always like that.
Thanks a lot my friends for your wonderful time u shared with me.. I must awake now and back to reality my small world that have walls as border, and silence surround. Yeah my party is OVER.
mba Lina, hoping everything is all righ..........
ReplyDeleteAduh mba mba... isi blog nya kok suedih2... Semua da di atur ama Allah... Nyante aja... Allahu Akbar... Allah Maha Besar