
Friday, May 10, 2013


Pengen bikin Pavlova dari sejak lama, tapi giliran punya putih telur males selalupun melanda, putih telur selalu cuma berakhir digoren begitu saja. Sering liat di etalase bakery shop tapi ya begitulah jiwa emak2 yang selalu sayang buat beli mahal2 akhirnya tak pernah kesampaian mencicipi bagaimana rasa pavlova sesungguhnya. Alhasil kemarin pas ada waktu keluar bentar cuma buat beli buah kiwi hihihi dan diniatin buat pavlova. Bikinnya serius cepet banget ga ada 15 menit adonannya cuma manggangnya lama banget sejam, dan harus dibiarkan di dalam oven sampai dia dingin. Jadi bisa ditinggal bobo kalo pake oven listrik hahahaha Tapi its ok laaah :D apalagi yg belum pernah makan kayak daku.

Lumayan kan penampakannya, sengaja ga pake strawberry karena anakku ga suka, takutnya malah ga mau nyobain.
Kalo cuma punya putih telur dari 3 butir cobain 1/2 resep saja bisa bulet besar kok cukup kok :) soalnya kl 2 loyang pake oven macam daku punya yg kecil jadi 2 jam :D karena mesti satu2 manggangnya takut hasilnya jelek hahaha
Resepnya aku contek dari blognya mba Wulan teman di KL

ini resepnya
source : Pn. Azimah
modified : wulanskithen
for 2 pavlova shell 9" 

Ingredients A :
6 white eggs (210 gr)

Ingredients B:
230 gr castor sugar

Ingredients c :
1.5 tsp vanilla extract/powder/flavour
1.5 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp corn flour


1. Heat up the oven to 130'c 
2. Cover the baking tray with a sheet of baking paper. Use a round cake pan or cake board with 9" (23 cm) diameter across to draw a circle of it on the baking paper.
3. Put the egg whites in the bowl beat with medium speed, and pour in the castor sugar in it gradually.
4. add in the ingredients C into the batter, beat again until stiff, shiny and fluffy. The sugar has to fully dissolved by rubbing a little of the meringue between your thumb and index finger. The meringue should feel smooth, not gritty. If it feels gritty the sugar has not fully dissolved so keep beating until it feels smooth between your fingers.
5.  Spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the baking paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher than the center, because we want to place the whipped cream and fruit.
6. Bake for  1 hour 10 minutes or until the outside is dry and is a very pale cream color. 
7. when the oven off, leave the door closed and let the meringue cool completely in the oven.
8. Just before serving gently place the meringue onto a serving plate.  

Krimnya ini menurutku enak banget dibuat dari dairy cream yang tidak manis (kalo pake non dairy bakal kemanisan) dipadukan dengan fla jadinya kuat ada di suhu ruang ga mencair


Ingredients A :
200 gr fresh milk

Ingredients B :
2 yolks
25 gr corn flour
20 gr fresh milk
20 gr castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Ingredients C:
300 gr fresh cream (whipped cream)

How-to :
1. Double boil the ingredients A until warm
2. Mixed well together the ingredients B and pour into the ingredients A which still in the double boiling process. Keep stirring until thick and cook. Off the fire and cover the cream with plastic wrap leave it until cool.
3. Beat the ingredients C until soft peak, beat in together with the custard cream, beat well, and the cream ready to use as a topping in the pavlova shell.

ini penampakan dalam pavlova crispy di luar lembut didalam kayak makan marsmallow, ketagihan dah. Cuma jangan sering2 bisa bikin makin ndut karena banyak gulanya. Tapi beneran worth it to try. 


  1. Replies
    1. kata alex goh, tukang kue terkenal, orang jualan kue itu 3x cost nah lo kan :D irittt :D

  2. enaknya nih mak,, pengen nih nyoba bikin, tapi kagak ada oven :D

    1. nabung beli oven hihihi da temen blogger tuh buat celengen beli oven hahaha skrg rajin bikin kue

  3. aisshh yang ini beneran bikin ngilerrr >.<
    gak nahan kiwinya ituuh *slruppp


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