
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Honey Buns with cheesy chicken meatloaf filling

Sebenernya bikin isian bread ini terinspirasi gambar produk dari salah satu restoran pizza, tapi berhubung keabisan tomato sauce akhirnya ya seadanya yang ada di kulkas saja. Bunsnya juga karena malas browsing buns yg salted akhirnya balik ke salah satu buns favorit, tapi jadi ngabisin stock madu deh. 

Ini dia tampilan buns nya, malas bentuk jadi bulet saja hihihi
isiannya : meatloaf, mayonaise dan mozarella an grated cheese

lumayan oke kan kelihatannya. Setelah baking berkali2 baru ngerti lo caranya supaya cantik warna nya,  maklum oven jadul ga bisa api bawah aja. Biasanya gosong kehitaman saat berusaha mematangkan bagian baawah, ternyata harus diakalin diletakkan loyang kosong di atasnya jadilah bisa matang dengan cantik.

resepnya aku ambil dari happy home baking

(makes 9 buns)

300g bread flour
4g (about 2/3 tsp) salt
4g (1 tsp) instant yeast
1 egg lightly beaten plus enough milk to make 200g
50g honey
30g unsalted butter

  1. Place all ingredients except the butter in the pan of the bread machine (according to the sequence as stated in the instruction manual of your bread machine). Select the Dough function of the bread machine and press start. After about 8mins of kneading (the ingredients should form a smooth dough by now, otherwise add in 1 tablespoon of bread flour if the mixture seems very wet), add in the 30g of butter. Let the machine continue to knead the dough. After the kneading cycle has stopped (20mins), Stop and Restart the machine. Continue to let the machine knead for another 10mins.
  2. Stop the machine and remove dough from the bread pan. Shape the dough into a smooth round and place in a lightly greased mixing bowl , cover bowl with cling wrap and let it rise till double in volume for about 60 ~ 90 mins.
  3. Remove dough and give a few light kneading on a lightly floured work surface. Press out the trapped air as your knead. Divide into 9 equal portions and shape them into rounds. Cover with cling wrap, let the doughs rest for 10mins.
  4. Flatten each dough into a round disc and press out the trapped air. Shape and roll into a smooth round ball.
  5. Place doughs seams side down on a 20cm by 20cm square baking tray (lightly greased with oil or butter or line it with parchment paper). Loosely cover with a damp cloth or cling wrap and let doughs proof for 45 ~ 60 mins or until double in size.
  6. When ready to bake, brush the surface of the dough with milk. Bake at preheated oven at 200 degC for about 15 ~ 20 mins until the bread is golden brown all over. Cover the surface with a sheet of aluminum foil if the surface browns too quickly. Remove from oven, unmold immediately and let cool on wire rack (kayaknya suhu pemanggangan harus disesuaikan oven masing2 di ovenku cukup pake 180 degC  20 menit sdh cukup matang)
kalo mau lihat penampakan isi 

hati2 foldingnya, karena daku pengennya cepet2 jadi ga pas ketebalannya, jadi bbrp buns bocor cheesenya, luber keluar

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