
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Show me the meaning of being lonely

So many people trapped in this lonely feeling. Feeling lonely is different from being alone. Being alone is just condition that we can make to set us free from much problem in life. Sometime we need it to release our burden when none can disturb us. Otherwise, being lonely is something we hate to have.

Why people being lonely? Some of them lost their companion. Someone that she adore, trust or love. When their loves one away from us, it make us feel so lonely even we have another friends around. We are just human, always hope if someone we really adore give us some care and understand what we need. We need someone who close with our heart, and they understand us without we have to ask.

But life was never so easy. Someone who ever close to us than find another one to talk. Someone we love than leave us alone in desperation. Someone we care a lot fall into busy days and forget that we are still here waiting her/him. Someone who ever think that we could make them comfort and get close always, now prefer to share their problem to another person rather than us. Someone that ever make us believe that we always their special may meet another special person that much better than us and forget all precious moment that for us that memory remain forever

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Yes ... we need to learn and accept all things, even it might be hard because something missing from our heart. We need to prepare ourself from losing someone really precious for us. Nothing stay forever. Even we want always close to someone we love, but we cant make them to always stay beside.

Life will still goes on. We might be cure our loneliness, but fall into deep sadness cause of loneliness will gain nothing to us. They wont come back as before, as we wish they to be. Life always bring a change day......


  1. Mba lina,cuman mau mampir dan meninggalkan jejak..setelah baca postingannya...semoga gak merasa sepi ya...

  2. we can not keep someone for ourself only. i guess we always have to share...

  3. im always feel lonely too..... sbb xpandai bkawan uhuhuhu....

  4. やっぱり楽しい出会いならスタービーチ!探したい相手のプロフィールを検索して理想の相手を見つけよう!

  5. M男の理想・願望を叶えます!M男だから求める娯楽を当掲示板で楽しんでいきませんか?Sな女性から沢山の喜びを与えてもらえる快楽コミュで楽しんで下さい。

  6. 訳アリで家出した少女が神様の救いを待つ神待ち掲示板です!家に帰りたくない、帰れない少女達に愛の手を差し伸べてあげませんか

  7. 第11回 ジャパンカップダート 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある・・・現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!裏情報を独占公開


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