
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mango Mouse Cake

Ceritanya ngecess pengen mango mousse sampai kebawa mimpi. Parah ya. Musim mangga sudah mulai lama, mangganya sudah mulai merangkak naik harganya, kok ya baru kepingin bikinnya sekarang.Its ok lah daripada kepingin bikinnya pas sudah nggak musim mangga lebih repot lagi kan. Browsing resep sana sini, akhirnya memutuskan nyontek resep dari 2 blog sekaligus

Cukup menggoda?? Lebih menggoda lagi kalo liat costnya, cuma 2 telur gula cuma 100 gram pastinya bisa ditemuin di dapur dong tinggal beli whipped cream, saya pake non dairy 300 gr yg kalo dirupiahin 10 rebu aja, sama gelatin rp 5000,- dan mangga 2/3 kg disini sekilonya Rp 8.000,- gak ada 20 ribu kan pengeluaran khususnya, ayooo cobain kalo musim mangga

Mango Mouse Cake
[Sponge Cake ] take from all that matters
2 egg whites
40g fine sugar
2 egg yolks
30g fine sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
50g milk
24g corn oil
68g cake flour (sifted)
1/4 Tsp bicarbonate of soda (sifted)

[Sponge Cake]
1) Prepare and line a 7 x 7 inch baking tin. In a clean bowl, whisk egg white until foamy. Slowly add sugar and whisk till stiff peak form. (daku pake loyang seadanya)
2) In another bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar till pale and fluffy.
3) Add vanilla essence, milk and corn oil to egg yolk mixture then fold in the sifted flour mixture.
4) Fold in the egg yolk mixture into egg white mixture.
5) Bake at 150°C for around 30 minutes or till skewer comes clean. Let the cake cool and slice horizontally 2 slices 

Making mango mousse:


17 g Gelatine Powder
60 g hot water
350 Whipping cream
3tbsp icing sugar
300 g mango pure in room temperature

How to make
Whipping the cream - Whip cream until it is at mousse state (roughly 70% stiff). Add in icing sugar and whip on low speed to dissolve the sugar. 

Making gelatine solution - Soak gelatine in water and allow it to bloom for 5 minutes. Heat the gelatine mixture over a double boiler untill gelatine dissolves completely. Leave to cool. 

Making mango mousse - Combine gelatine mixture and mango puree. Fold in whipped cream to obtain a smooth pale-orange mango mousse. 

Cake Assembly:
Slicing sponge cake - Slice sponge cake into 2 even layers using cake leveller or long serrated/palette knife. Slice off the part that has domed. 

Preparing the sponge and mousse layers - Place one sponge layer into a 8 inch cake ring supported by a cake board below. There should some allowance surrounding the sponge layer. Spread 100 g of cubed mango over the first sponge layer. Pour half of the mango mousse over the first sponge layer. Place the second sponge layer over mousse layer. Spread the remaining cubed mango over second sponge layer, then poyr remaining mousse. Place cake ring in the refrigerator until four hours  

Ingredients for the Mango Mirror : (take from Hilda)
125 ml Water
100 gms. fresh Mango Puree (disaring dulu yak)
45 gms. Sugar
9 gms. Gelatin pwd.

Making mango mirror:
Making gelatine solution - disolve some sugar in part of the water and  Soak gelatine in  other part water and allow it to bloom for 5 minutes. Heat the gelatine mixture over a double boiler until gelatine dissolves completely. Leave to cool. 

Making the mango mirror - Combine cooled gelatine solution sugar and mango pure. Pour it over the chilled and assembled mango mousse cake.  

Berhubung loyang bongkar pasangnya cuma ukuran 23 dan loyang cakenya yg ada cuma ukuran 22 cakenya jadi kecil tapi jadi bagus pinggirnya ketutup gelatin semua hihihi. Berhubung belum tahu beneran mousse kayak apa belum pernah beli jadi tidak tahu bener enggaknya, tapi enaakkkk hahahaha. Kalo yang suka manis mungkin di moussenya perlu ditambah gulanya. See, banyak mangga di cake ku.


  1. Waduhhh kok ya pas banget disaya lagi musim mangga

  2. mangga luber hehehe bikin gak nahan lihatnya

  3. ngebayangin siang2 makan ini kayaknya enak, ya :D

  4. Oalah, bikinnya juga ga begitu sulit ya, Mak? Wajib dicoba nih kalo pulang kampung ntar. Kalo di kosan mah, kagak mungkin, peralatan kagak ade. :) Catet dulu ah. Trims resepnya, Mak.

  5. waaa ... kepengeeen. ini salah satu favoritku mbak. besok deh abis lebaran, aku cobain mbak. biar nggak cuma bikin puding roti saja hehe, ada peningkatan. thank you sharingnya ....


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