
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mexican Bun aka Roti Boy

Sudah pernah bikin dulu sekali, sekarang pengen lagi, soalnya bolak balik lewat Papa Roti jadi kepengen. Ngubek2 koleksi link roti boy akhirnya pilih nyontek dari blog Kitchen corner walau lama sekali blog ini fakum tapi resep2nya sering jadi favorit intipanku. Adonannya kubilang pas, pas dalam artian ngga lengket ditangan waktu dipulung, ngga perlu nambah tepung. Biasanya adonan roti seringkali lengket2 di tangan, ini sama sekali, dan tidak kering. Pas pokoknya.

cuma sebalnya ga bisa pas manggangnya jadinya ga rata huhuhuhu. beda dengan bun biasa yg dioles telur lebih gampang manggang secara rata ga belang2 begini hiks snip.

(Recipe for 10 little buns)
For the dough:
250g bread flour
38g caster sugar
3g salt
4g yeast
1/2 beaten egg
135g fresh milk
30g butter
For the filling:
100g butter (softened)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
35g brown sugar
For the topping:
50g butter
40g icing sugar
38g beaten eggs
1 teaspoon granulated coffee dissolve with 1 teaspoon water
pinch of cinnamon powder (optional)
50 plain flour
How I made it:
  1. For the filling, using an electric mixer beat the butter and brown sugar until light and pale until the sugar totally dissolved. Add in the vanilla extract for the final beating. Place the mixture into the fridge until it harden. Divide the harden mixture into 10 portions and sit in the fridge until ready to use.
  2. For the toppings, beat the softened butter with icing sugar until everything well combine. Gradually add in beaten eggs then the coffee mixture. Add in pinch of cinnamon powder with the flour and beat until everything well incorporate. Place the mixture into a piping bag and keep in the fridge until ready to use.
  3. For the dough, knead all the ingredients together except butter. When the dough become a smooth dough add in butter and continue the the kneading process until the dough become smooth and elastic but not sticky. I used a standing kneading mixer to knead for approximately 30 minutes at speed 2.
  4. Divide the dough into 10 little doughs and shape it into round ball shape. Let it rest for 15 minutes before add in the filling.
  5. Roll out each doughs to a flat disc and add the butter filling. Seal it tightly. (make sure you seal it tightly otherwise it will split out during baking)
  6. Place each doughs on a baking tray, make sure they sit a part from each other because they might stick to each other during the baking. Cover the doughs with cling film and proof for 50 - 60 minutes.
  7. Before the doughs place into the oven, pipe out the filling in a spiral start from the top center of each buns. Bake for 12 minutes at 200'C preheated oven.

    sebelum di oven
    nah lumayan lah buat teman minum teh. satu bun tak cukup, cuma memang enaknya dimakan hangat2


  1. duh kapan ya aku bisa baking2 begini :)

    1. mari2 baking jeng lydya, asli bikin ketagihan looo hihihi

  2. Hmm,,,kyknya enak ya, mom. kpn2 mau coba bkin ah :)

  3. Hmm,,kyknya enak nih, mom. kpn2 mau coba bkin ah :)


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