
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Love?? care or hurt?

Read Lyla post about "cinta dan sakit hati" I remembered some story about my friends. They told me about how love can hurt them a lot, and from that I knew what it can happen.
Love is a nature feeling, we can't push them to come anytime we want. Even when we meet a handsome or a beautiful one but if love not come,there will be nothing happen. But even we meet just ordinary person, your heart feeling warm inside and get the same chemistry... you are falling in LOVE. The problem will come how to make that love will long lasting

One of a reason why so many relationship fail and why its look great only in the beginning. In the beginning, there are so many caring message, call, smile you will send to your love one. Everyday you will open your mail send her/him a long mail, a sweet mail. Or send SMS just to know hows everything, make a call coz u miss to hear his/her voice.

But what happen after that, after you know he/she have the same feeling, you feel no need to give so much care like before. No intensive mail, sms or calling. Before you spent one-two hours to contact her/him but later 5 -10 minutes still too long for you. Sometimes you don't drop any message, and when your love one ask about that you will told her/him, "Please understand me, I am so busy nowadays, you know about this economic recession. I am under pressure, cant talk with u" Do you know your words can HURT his/her feeling a lot.

Oh Guys what you think, if he or she don't mean to ask so many time from you. As you both are already grown, and know what happen with this world recently, no need to make it as a reason not to contact. Just in case if you have no time...You only need 5 sentence to send to her/him, to prove you are still CARE, example
"Hi, how are u today?
"hope everything is ok with you."
"sorry I am a little bit busy, I'll try to say hi if I have time"
"remember you always be my best, or remember i always miss u"

"take care a lot"

Is that simple? 3 minutes only to send this mail to show that you care. Don't break his/her heart. Just Imagine if she or he tired and then sent this message "hey, how are you today, not hear from you for a long time, busy? Ok I wont bother you anymore. Good luck. Wish you have your happiness always">>> that's mean she or he said goodbye forever to you. You will lose everything after that. IF YOU STILL LOVE HER/HIM give a little care... Because when you said you love someone you must CARE your one not HURT his/her feeling. If you don't, just prepare your heart to lose your love forever.

dedicated for my friends who start to build new relationship and friends who failed with their relationship, just take A CARE as a lesson.. hope everything will be ok.


  1. ihihihi... mengingatkan diriku nih untuk tidak lupa selalu mesra sama suami meski udah menjelang 5 taun menikah dan buntut 2 yang ngabisin waktu dan energi ;-)

  2. nice post mba...
    makasih sudah diingatkan, karena kesibukan sering lupa waktu untuk sekedar bermesraan...

  3. Kadang2 kita emang lupa utk m'berikan sedikit perhatian balik kpd orang yang mencintai kita karena kita terlalu yakin kalo cinta dia tak kan pudar dengan jumlahnya waktu yang telah dilalui...& kita menjadi terbiasa dengan perasaan itu...
    Kadang2 aku juga punya perasaan seperti itu & makasih utk ngingetin kita2 mbak...
    saya mo sms dia dulu aah...^_^

  4. yah gitu lah... kadang temen jg susah dimintai tolong untuk sekedar bertanya...

  5. cinta memang kadang bikin sakit hati... tp ya sudah lah... gak usah terlalu mikir bisa GR orgnya...

  6. oke deh. secara aku ini termasuk tipe orang yg perhatian, makanya gak masalah deh utk memerhatikan orang yg kucintai. tapi siapa ya...? hiks...

  7. no komenk masalah cinta tant.

    hanya harus mengingat kembali status pribadi masing - masing.

    meskipun cuma status jangan anggap remeh, bisa jadi itu membuat orang yang mengalaminya bisa tersadar kembali dan bisa memiliki kebahagiaan yang lebih dari sebelumnya.

    saya lebih bahagia dan senang jika ada yang seperti itu ;)

  8. mampir lagiii.. hehe... blm updet ya...

  9. bener banget tuh, yg paling sulit adalah menjaga cinta yg sudah ada supaya enggak layu2, tantangan besar tuh....

  10. yup... emang tidak gampang mudah menjaga cinta tetap membara hingga akhir jaman

  11. Hi how are you?
    Nice to meet you!

  12. Cewek merasa,cowok itu kalo belum dapet cewek mesti ngejar2nya bertubi2 sampai dapet.Setelah dapet,cewek merasa perhatian cowoknya kok jd berkurang.Sebenarnya gak bs disimpulkan begitu.Kebutuhan cewek akan perhatian lebih besar dari cowok.Cowok cukup hanya bercakap2 15 menit aja untuk melepas kangen,tp cewek bisa 2 jam.Bukan begiu mbak Lina? :D

  13. semua ada kurangnya tapi jika kita bisa menerimanya dan menutupi kekurangannya semua jadi terasa indah


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