
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I love Indonesia too

Honestly, I bored to hear many friends yelling with a harsh words everyday. It became worse with the news of Tari Pendet had been claimed by Malaysia by TV media and newspaper in my country. Even though, there is no proper evidence that it really claimed, but many people there were angry. Lately many confirmation come about this, but it looks like madness make many people are blind.

As Indonesian citizen who live here,its make us feel uncomfortable. Here we make many effort to prove that we are have a good quality, cause my government like to export maid, make Malaysian's mindset that Indonesian people equal to maid. They even not believed when we said there are 5000 expatriate, more than 10.000 are study for master and PhD degree. Half of them living in luxurious place, very wealthy and others living in middle up class. And here as long as we not used subsidize facility, we always treat well, there is no different with other residence.

And what I see here not as bad as Indonesian's media report. Some bad experience will be small case, just compare with good experience, it will happen anywhere we live, even live in our own country.

Many times we share real information here, many times all friend will tell us that we don't love our country. They look like hate to know that there are still many good side here. Just for information, who live here with high education, it will be no matter for us to move on to other country, but think it about blue collar worker, they work here as they could have a job in our country. Here, many things happen with blue collar worker and it happen because our government not put much intention about it seriously. As blue collar have no good bargaining power, unless government make it for them.

About culture, more than 50% Melayu etnic were come from Indonesian, thats why so many Indonesian culture become their culture, that's why they told as part of their culture like chinese culture and indian culture as well. But why Chinnese or Indian never been angry??? Because they have confidence, they already take care all their culture carefully. So why with Indonesia??? Because they know culture only become a symbol. Only a few that care about their culture, even now a few of them disappeared, Indonesian people like to have other cultured. I bet you all when there are two occasion, one music show and other one Javanese dance show, you will choose to see music show.

Please do our part to our country, dont just yelling, because it mean nothing. Anyone who have capability and not stay in their county it doesn't mean that they dont love their country. They try to prove that Indonesian's people capable in international world. Who stay in Indonesia will make effort to make Indonesia greater than before. Who knows about culture will bring it to young generation, and other support for this. Who have a blog, you can write about culture or Indonesian as well so people from other country will know us better. I THOUGHT THAT IT WILL BE MORE MEANINGFUL RATHER THAN SPREAD HATRED IN OUR HEART. BE WISE... SO U WILL BE A GREAT PERSON

I know when we close there will be like and dislike always, but do it with a smart action to win. Spread hatred not a good way to win.


  1. Sometimes, ppl prefer to focus and magnify a small problem just to get attention. It's true what you said, even Indonesians themselves (if not all, but a big sum) have been Westernized and sometimes forget their own culture. There are so many inter-racial marriages in Indonesia that they're not even a pure "Indonesian" anymore. But the root of it all is not about Malaysia, Indonesian or whatever. It is about the race. We're all Malays. Kita semua datang dari rumpun yang sama. Tidak kira di Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapura, Brunei, bila Melayu tetap Melayu dan asal usulnya dulu pun sama.

    This whole Tarian Pendet issue is so annoying. Everybody making it as if it's a life and death issue. Norman (the one produces the documentary) have already informed the situation. Discovery had already dropped the whole show and apologized about the misunderstanding. How can we blame the Westerns? They see us as same. And the sad part is, we didn't see ourselves as same.

    I know there are some Malaysians who might "look down" a little on Indonesians. It happened because of some numbers of Indonesians here (labourers especially) whom made us look down on them with the crimes and offences they repeatedly make. But not all are bad, and people realize that. Malaysians, Malays especially are a forgiving bunch of people. If only the Indonesians could learn from that and let this matter settle instead of trying to get a cheap fame out of it, maybe there's more knowledge we could spread.

    Yeah, we should learn from the Chinese and Indians. Chinese and Indians brings their culture everywhere. To America, to UK, to France, to Russia, to Egypt, etc but China and India never get angry or question them. In fact, I think they probably feel proud to have spread their culture to places that maybe had never even heard of a Lion Dance or Saree before. We should've been like that too, instead of fighting amongst ourselves...

    P/S: Wow, I wrote a long speech didn't I? Hahahha

  2. @Lizzie..
    Thanks a lot for ur comments, it really nice,
    You right.. I love to stay here, because I feel hommy too here. I met many nice Malaysian people.
    About the crime, as so many Indonesian live here, and not all are good people, so I apologize that then it add criminal in your country. But I'm sure that crime not only did by Indonesian, sometimes we became a victim from other crime here.

    I just hope that both of side get more understanding each other, more wise coz we never can life without neighbour. Hope as a neighbour we will leave in peace and harmony

  3. br2 ini sy nulis ttg topik ini di blog sy

    walopun sy sempat merasa kesal dg apa yg tlh di lakukan o/ malaysia, ttp kemarahan yg dilampiaskan o/ bbrp WNI justru bikin sy jengah & merasa malu sendiri sbg WNI.

    mnrt sy pelampiasan kemarahan kita tdk di salurkan dg cara bijaksana.. penuh sumpah serapah... apalagi yg terakhir2 ini dilakukan aksi sweeping. Sy sama sekali gak setuju..

    Dg apa yg tlh dilakukan itu justru mnrt sy kita memalukan bangsa sendiri.. karena apa yg tlh dilakukan o/ malaysia tentunya krn kesalahan kita juga awalnya.. kl dr awal kita pandai menjaga milik kita, tdk akan ada pihak lain yg bisa mengambil..

    dan dg segala tindakan negatif itu pun mereka seolah2 merasa bhw kita adlh bangsa yg paling benar.. mereka gak pernah berpikir suatu saat mungkin bangsa kita pun bisa melakukan kesalahan.. dan bagaimana dg kesalahan yg tlh kita perbuat, kemudian WNI yg ada di luar sana di sweeping o/ WN negara lain?

    Semoga ke depannya bangsa kita menjadi bangsa yg bijak..

    Maap ya mbak kalo tulisan sy kepanjangan.. Kl pun sy agak pedas mengkritik bangsa sendiri bukan krn sy gak cinta Indonesia, sy justru sangat cinta Indonesia makanya sy ingin negara sy menjadi negara yg bijak warga negaranya.. :)

  4. I Love Indonesia too
    we have to be proud was born in Indonesia, growing up in Indonesia, and become and Indonesian Citizen..
    Bagimu Negeri Jiwa Raga KAmi :)
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